At German Retriever Club (DRC) dog shows, participating dogs are divided into different classes based on age, experience and certain qualifications. Here is an overview of the classes and the respective participation requirements:

  1. Minor Puppy class (4–6 months):
    • For very young dogs aged 4 to 6 months.
  2. Puppy class (6–9 months):
    • For puppies aged 6 to 9 months.
  3. Junior class (9–18 months):
    • For young dogs aged 9 to 18 months.
  4. Intermediate class (15–24 months):
    • For dogs aged 15 to 24 months.
  5. Open class (from 15 months):
    • For all dogs from 15 months of age, regardless of previous titles or qualifications.
  6. Working class (from 15 months):
    • For dogs aged 15 months or older that have successfully passed certain working tests.
    • Recognized tests include the Bringleistungsprüfung (BLP), Retrievergebrauchsprüfung (RGP) or comparable tests.
  7. Champion class (from 15 months):
    • For dogs aged 15 months or older that already have a recognized champion title.
    • The title “Club Winner with Working Test” also qualifies.
  8. Honor Class:
    • For dogs that have been confirmed as “International Beauty Champion” or “International Show Champion” by the official entry deadline.
    • In this class, the dogs are not given a grade, but are ranked.
  9. Veteran class (8 years and older):
    • For older dogs aged 8 and over.

Important: If, at the time of the official registration deadline, proof of the relevant access requirement for the working class, champion class or honor class is missing, the dog will be transferred to the open class.

The order of judging at shows is usually: veteran class, minor puppy class, puppy class, junior class, honor class, intermediate class, champion class, working class and open class.

This classification makes it possible to evaluate dogs fairly and according to their age, experience and qualifications.


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